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Psikologi Pendidikan dan Bimbingan

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only


Educational Psychology and Guidance courses are compulsory subjects for all UPI students who are pursuing educational disciplines. This course examines the basic concepts of educational psychology and guidance that underlies the implementation of learning that educates and guides independent learners. Topics of study in this course include: (1) educational psychology in educational science and practice, (2) characteristics of effective teachers in the perspective of educational psychology, (3) student development, (4) student learning, (5) development of motives and motivation learning, (6) basic concepts of guidance and counseling, (7) approaches, strategies, and techniques of guidance, (8) diagnostics of learning difficulties and remedial teaching, (9) guidance-based learning, and (10) evaluation of education and assessment of guidance. The learning approach used includes inquiry and discovery learning through assignments (recitation), independent study, reflective dialogue, and group discussions.

Bobot = 2 SKS

Capaian Pembelajaran

12.1.1 Students master the basic concepts of educational psychology in educational science and practice.
12.1.2 Students master the basic concepts of effective teacher characteristics in the perspective of educational psychology.
12.1.3 Students master the basic concepts of student development.
12.1.4 Students master the basic concepts of student learning.
12.1.5 Students skilled facilitate the development of students' learning motives and motivation.
12.1.6 Students master the basic concepts of guidance and counseling.
12.1.7 Students master the basic concepts of approaches, strategies, and guidance techniques.
12.1.8 Students master the basic concepts of diagnostic and remedial teaching.
12.1.9 Students master the basic concepts of guidance-based learning.
12.1.10 Students are skilled in designing learning evaluation instruments and assessment guidance.

Dosen Pengampu

Dr. Nandang Budiman, M. Si.

[email protected]


Dr. Eka Sakti Yudha, M. Pd.

[email protected]


Dr. Ipah Saripah, M. Pd.

[email protected]


Rina Nurhudi Ramdhani, M. Pd.

[email protected]

  1. Nomor Kursus

  2. Kelas Dimulai

  3. Kelas Berakhir

  4. Estimated Effort

    100 Menit
  5. Bahasa

  6. Tipe Mata Kuliah

    Instructor Paced
  7. Harga

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