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Islamic Economics And Business

Enrollment in this course is by invitation only

About This Course

Islamic Economics And Business Course (EB301) with a weight of 3 credits, is a compulsory and superior faculty course given to all students of the economics and business study group, and is offered to all students and other universities from various study programs/disciplines . This course teaches the values ​​about the view of life that forms the basis of Islamic philosophy in overcoming various economic activities and problems, introduces the basic concepts and principles of Islamic economics, business, finance and philanthropy, both macro and micro, which are paradigmatically different from conventional economics and business. The discussion includes: Overview of Islamic economics covering the scope of Islamic economics, Islamic economic paradigms, and Islamic approaches to economic problems; Islamic criticism of the capitalist, socialist and mixed economic system; Economic behavior in Islamic perspective; The concept of property in Islam; The role of government in Islamic economics; Introduction of Islamic banking and non-bank financial services industry; Islamic Business and Islamic Philanthropy. The concept of the material in this course is packaged as a basic provision to open horizons to study Islamic economics further in a broader and deeper way. The learning process uses a discovery approach that emphasizes problem solving-based student activities and discussions between lecturers and students by optimizing the search for relevant, reliable, and up-to-date learning resources. Assessment is done through assignments, discussions and tests.

Bachelor Degree

Credit: 3 SKS

Learning Outcomes

S1: Demonstrate scientific, educative, and religious attitudes and behaviors that contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation and state based on academic norms and ethics.
P1: Mastering the basic theoretical concepts of economics and business knowledge in general, and the theoretical concepts of special sections in the fields of economics, finance, business and Islamic philanthropy in depth.
P3: Mastering general knowledge and management of factual and contemporary Islamic economics, finance, business and philanthropy
KU1:Able to integrate learning and innovation skills, mastery of technology and information, career development, and life skills to become lifelong learners.
KU2: Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values ​​in the fields of economics, finance, business and Islamic philanthropy.
KH1: Able to apply the rules of economic fiqh, identify, study, make designs, utilize science and information technology to solve problems in the fields of economics, finance, business and Islamic philanthropy within the organization and/or society.
KH2: Able to plan, manage, and make appropriate basic managerial decisions in various Islamic finance, business and philanthropic organizations.


Course Staff Image #1

Dr. A. Jajang, W. Mahri, M.Si

[email protected]

Course Staff Image #1

Suci Aprilliani Utami, S.P.,M.E.Sy

[email protected]

Course Staff Image #1

Dr. Hilda Monoarfa, M.Si

[email protected]

Course Staff Image #1

Rida Rosida, Bs.,M.Sc

[email protected]

Course Staff Image #1

Dr. Juliana, S.Pd., M.E.Sy.

[email protected]

  1. Nomor Kursus

  2. Kelas Dimulai

  3. Kelas Berakhir

  4. Estimated Effort

    150 Menit
  5. Bahasa

  6. Tipe Mata Kuliah

    Self Paced
  7. Harga

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